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  • The 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research goes to Hernando de Soto

    The 2017 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research goes to Hernando de Soto

    The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research is the most prominent international award in entrepreneurship research with a price sum of EUR 100,000. De Soto’s analyses have had tremendous influence on policy throughout the world and were a main source of inspiration for the World Bank’s Doing Business program. Read More
  • 2017 Award Winner

    2017 Award Winner

    Hernando de Soto Peru  Institute for Liberty and Democracy For developing a new understanding of the institutions that underpin the informal economy as well as the role of property rights and entrepreneurship in converting the informal economy into the formal sector.   Read More
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ILD in the News

Observador09 Maio 2015639 partilhas   
Hernando de Soto   

Num artigo publicado em jornais como o Le Point e o El País, o famoso economista peruano Hernando de Soto, autor de "O Mistério do Capital", faz uma crítica demolidora ao best-seller de Thomas Piketty

Hernando de Soto é um economista peruano que defende em várias obras, apoiadas por muitos estudos no terreno, sobretudo nos países menos desenvolvidos, que a defesa do direito de propriedade é fundamental à emancipação da pobreza. Preocupado com a miséria e as desigualdades, tem contudo propostas radicalmente diferentes das de “O Capital no Século XXI”, de Thomas Piketty. Na sua opinião, a tese deste ensaio académico baseia-se em princípios ideológicos e não em pesquisas no terreno, como as levadas a cabo pelo Instituto para a Liberdade e a Democracia, que ele mesmo dirige.

El PaísEl autor de este artículo afirma que el origen de la miseria no es el capital, sino su carencia


La obra de Thomas Piketty El Capital en el Siglo XXI concitó interés a nivel mundial, no porque emprenda con ella una cruzada contra la injusticia social —somos muchos los que lo hacemos— sino porque, basándose en sus lecturas de los siglos XIX y XX, enarbola como tesis central: “El capital produce mecánicamente desigualdades arbitrarias e insostenibles” que inevitablemente conducen al mundo a la miseria, la violencia y las guerras y que continuará haciéndolo en este siglo.


Financial TimesApril 28, 2015 12:23 pm

Julie Meyer

Consumers should benefit financially from their information, says Ariadne Capital’s

Hernando de Soto, the Peruvian economist whose work centred on the informal economy and property rights, has much to contribute to the dialogue raging in the so-called developed world about privacy and data.

Perú21Abril 26, 2015
Juan José Garrido

Se han escrito muchas críticas al libro de Thomas Piketty El capital en el siglo XXI. Cierto, es un libro largo, aburrido, y –en mi opinión– desacertado; no solo arremete con metodologías erradas (por no entrar al debate sobre la data), sino con una lógica abiertamente inconsistente con la realidad. De ahí que se sostenga por sus propuestas políticas más que por ampliar las fronteras económicas.

Neue Zürcher ZeitungAlexander Busch, Lima 21.4.2015, 18:09 Uhr

Hernando de Soto ist der einflussreichste Ökonom Südamerikas. Er ist überzeugt davon, dass mehr Kapitalismus das beste Rezept gegen die aufgekommenen Terrororganisationen ist. Aber auch Europa würde eine Prise Unternehmertum guttun.

Investor's Business DailyBy David Freddoso, for Investor's Business Daily
03/04/2015 01:33 PM ET

Leaders of dozens of Third World and post-communist countries have called on Hernando de Soto for help in freeing their economies and improving the lot of their poor.

He was praised by nearly every president of the late 20th century, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, who called him "the world's greatest living economist."


SINGER: Okay. The Institute for Liberty and Democracy in Peru, I really think Hernando de Soto should win the Nobel prize for the work he’s done. I hope he does. But he’s going around the world and identified one of the most powerful things to the economy and the creation of wealth. And that is the ownership of property.

FORBES: Which you can then use as collateral. 

A medida que Estados Unidos entra en una nueva etapa de la guerra contra el terrorismo, se perderá su mejor oportunidad para derrotar al Estado Islámico y a otros grupos radicales en Medio Oriente si no emplea un arma crucial pero poco utilizada: una agenda enérgica de fortalecimiento económico. En este momento, solo escuchamos hablar de ataques aéreos y maniobras militares, lo que es previsible cuando se enfrenta a matones empeñados en producir el caos y la destrucción.

Os Estados Unidos estão se dirigindo rumo a um novo cenário da guerra ao terror e vão desperdiçar a melhor oportunidade de derrotar o Estado Islâmico e outros grupos radicais no Oriente Médio. Isso ocorrerá caso não utilizarem uma arma crucial e muito pouco aproveitada: uma agenda agressiva de empoderamento econômico. No momento, tudo que ouvimos são notícias sobre ataques aéreos e manobras militares—o que é previsível quando se confronta assassinos determinados a espalhar destruição e ruína.

COSAS Una Revista InternacionalEn mayo de 2013, Hernando de Soto, probablemente el economista peruano más reconocido a nivel mundial, se reunió con los integrantes de la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores del Congreso de Estados Unidos, presidida entonces por Madeleine Albright, para explicarles que existe un país que en una década logró vencer al terrorismo a partir del derecho de propiedad. Ese país, les explicó De Soto, se llama Perú. Hoy, señala que diversos representantes del gobierno estadounidense lo llaman para preguntarle cómo vencer al Estado Islámico  en Medio Oriente.


Military might alone won’t defeat Islamic State and its ilk. The U.S. needs to promote economic empowerment

By Hernando de Soto,   Oct. 10, 2014

As the U.S. moves into a new theater of the war on terror, it will miss its best chance to beat back Islamic State and other radical groups in the Middle East if it doesn’t deploy a crucial but little-used weapon: an aggressive agenda for economic empowerment. Right now, all we hear about are airstrikes and military maneuvers—which is to be expected when facing down thugs bent on mayhem and destruction.

Office of Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto responds to Egyptian op-ed, defends benefits of formalisation in developing economies like Egypt

25 June 2014 - In an article published in El Shorouk on 3 June, 2014, Mr. Galal Ameen argues that the formalisation programs for Egypt championed by Hernando de Soto and the think tank he leads, the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), will not benefit the poor. According to Ameen, “the poor can never benefit from a credit system that sides with the major capitalists and proprietary classes no matter what deeds and documents proving their entitlements are registered.

Inovadores de AmericaThe Innovadores de América movement has included Hernando de Soto among its icons and legends, considering him the "creator of revolutionary ideas to eradicate global poverty", in reference to the programs that he and the ILD designed to grant property rights to the poor and help them create capital, join legal markets, and thrive in them".

February 24, 2014 - Lima, Peru — Sitting here listening to Hernando de Soto, I think, “How am I going to avoid describing him as a ‘force of nature’?” That is one of the laziest clichés. But de Soto is, I’m afraid, a force of nature. He seems to be thinking constantly, and the thoughts come out in great waves of speech. They are big thoughts and little thoughts, grand concepts and details. As he speaks, de Soto draws on huge reservoirs of reading and observation. He seems to remember everything he ever encountered. Sometimes, he will think for a minute or two, before releasing the waves of speech. This is unusual, in my experience — a long period of silence before the talking begins.

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