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The Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), led by Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto, works with developing countries to implement property and business rights reforms that provide the legal tools and institutions required for citizens to participate in the formal national and global economy. ILD works toward a world in which all people have equal access to secure rights to their real property and business assets in order to pull themselves—and their countries—out of poverty.

The Daily BeastWhy a win by the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate could be the best thing for Egypt’s economy.

7 June 2012 - As Egyptians prepare to vote in the upcoming final round of presidential balloting on June 16 and 17, pictures of yet more protests in Tahrir square are doing little to reassure foreign investors and other observers about the future of Egypt. Bond markets are betting that the Egyptian revolution will end in tears. They may yet be proved wrong.

The most recent round of protests began after what many Egyptians saw as an overly-lenient verdict in the trial of former President Hosni Mubarak. Although Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison for failing to protect the life of Egyptian citizens, none of his henchmen were found directly responsible for the deaths of some 900 protestors, nor was Mubarak found guilty of corruption.

To read the complete article, please go to The Daily Beast

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